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Terra Incognita - Virtual workshop on the subcortex

Mallar Chakravarty gave a conference during the Terra Incognita virtual workshop event(March 1-3, 2021) organized by members from the University of Amsterdam. His lecture "Mapping the subcortex along other biological dimensions: the influence of microstructure and genetics.", highlighted great work from lab members (Stephanie Tullo, Nadia Blostein, Corinne Robert, Raihaan Patel and Gabriel Devenyi).

CIC Imaging Series Lecture  

Aurelie Bussy, Lani Cupo, Elisa Guma and Raihaan Patel where invited for the CIC imaging series lecture at the Douglas Mental Heatlh Univeristy Institute. They presented an overview of multivariate analysis methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Canonical-Correlation Analysis (CCA), Partial Least Squares (PLS) and Non-Negative Factorization (NMF). 

Raihaan Patel presented his work Investigating microstructural variation in the human brain at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute CIC imaging series lecture. 

Mallar Chakravarty lecture introduction to imaging analysis at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute CIC imaging series lecture. 

Elisa Guma talk on In utero exposure to maternal immune activation alters offspring brain maturation and behaviour at the Douglas Mental Health Institute CIC imaging series lecture.

Healthy Brains, Healthy Lives (HBHL)   Research Day 2020  

Stephanie Tullo's work on Parkinson's disease in mouse models was presented during the HBHL Research Day 2020.

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Multivariate approaches in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia: a multimodal neuroimaging study was presented by Eric Plitman during the HBHL Research Day 2020.

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Canadian University Software Engineering Conference (CSUSEC 2019)  

Mallar Chakravarty gave a conference on Prognosis in Alzheimer Disease (AD) using Magnetic Resonance Imaging & Machine Learning at the Canadian University Software Engineering Conference (CUSEC). In this presentation Dr. Nikhil Bhagwat's work on how to predict AD prognosis with Artificial intelligence is highlighted.

BrainHack School 2019  

Mallar Chakravarty during the BrainHack school event presenting Structural Image preprocessing and MAGeT Brain pipeline.

CoBrA Lab


Brain Imaging Centre,
6875 LaSalle Boulevard, Verdun, QC H4H 1R3
(514) 761-6131


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